

Children´s and Youth Films, Sweden 2018, 18 Min., arab. OV, engl. st, ger. VoiceOver, 10 years and older

While civil war rages in Syria, Amal and her sisters live in a bunker. Water is in short supply, blood runs in the gutters along the streets. But despite the unbearable conditions, Amal dreams of becoming a football player and enjoys life with her sisters. One day, she finds a gold chain outside the bunker. A film that depicts how war brings out the worst in people.

Director Abbe Hassan

Screenplay Abbe Hassan, Ivica Zubak

Producer Marcus Henricsson, Ivica Zubak

Cast Sherin Ammara (Amal), Narin Ammara (Rawan), Cedra Ammara (Sara)

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