Paradīze '89

Paradīze '89Paradies '89 / Paradise '89

Children´s and Youth Films, Latvia / Germany 2018, 90 Min., latv. OV, engl. st, ger. Voice Over, 8 years and older

Nine-year-old Paula and her little sister are spending their summer vacation with their cousins Maija and Linda in the countryside. Everything there is different than in Riga, much freer and less organized. Aunt Ieva is hardly around, and so the girls are left to their own devices. They manage their day-to-day life, including the ensuing conflicts, like adults and enjoy their freedom. But all around them, everything is rapidly unravelling. Paula’s parents want a divorce and the national situation escalates when the Soviets react to Latvian efforts for independence. Now it’s Paula’s time to show decisiveness. With her confident and easy way of directing, Dišlere gave the young actors lots of space. The director, who had been in Paulas age during the real events, presents the feeling of a summer during which everything changed, eventually leading to Latvia’s independence.

Director Madara Dišlere

Screenplay Madara Dišlere

Producer Aija Bērziņa, Alise Ģelze, Michael Luda

Cast Magda Lote Auzina (Paula), Evelīna Ozola (Linda), Marta Gertrūde Auzāne (Maija), Līva Ločmele (Laura), Mantas Bendzius (Jonas)


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