
SumarbörnSommerkinder / Summer Children

Children´s and Youth Films, Iceland / Norway 2017, 84 Min., icel. OV, engl. st, ger. Voice Over, 12 years and older

"Papa got so mad that mama ended up in the hospital. So six-year-old Eydís and her brother Kári are sent on a bus to a faraway children’s home. The two are called “summer children” there because before winter arrives, as soon as mama has found a job, the children will be able to return home. But their new reality is anything but idyllic; the director Ms. Pálina runs a strict ship, with punishment and humiliation the order of the day. As the end of summer approaches and Eydís and Kári still haven’t been picked up, they decide to make their own way home – setting out on an adventurous journey that takes them through wild and enchanted landscapes. The film is a forceful depiction of life in a home from the point of view of the children who, despite it all, never give up their faith that even the greatest obstacles can somehow be overcome."

Director Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir

Screenplay Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir

Producer Anna María Karlsdóttir, Hrönn Kristinsdóttir

Cast Kristjana Thors (Eydís), Stefán Örn Eggertsson (Kári), Brynhildur Guðjónsdóttir (Pálína)


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