
FlottenDas Floß / The Raft

Competition Documentaries, Sweden / Denmark / USA / Germany 2017, 98 Min., OV, engl. st

He got the idea as a passenger during a plane hijacking: In order to recognise the causes of violence, aggression and sexual attraction, the anthropologist Santiago Genovés wanted to study people in extreme situations. So he had a raft built: The “Acali” set sail from Las Palmas and drifted for three months until it reached Mexico. On board: Five women and five men from different parts of the world. Genovés meticulously documented various behavioural patterns and the most intimate of feelings. In Marcus Lindeen’s film, seven crew members on the notorious boat that was known as the "sex raft" meet up again for their first time. On the deck of an “Acali” reconstruction, they recount losing their privacy, how they became a functioning community – and how Genovés tried to incite conflicts. A second filmic test setting in which it becomes clear: If nothing else, the experiment did change the observer.

Director Marcus Lindeen

Producer Erik Gandini

Cast Servane Zanotti, Fé Seymour, Maria Björnstam


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