En arg mors bekännelser

En arg mors bekännelserBekenntnisse einer wütenden Mutter / Confessions of an Angry Mother

Competition Documentaries, Finland 2018, 6 Min., sw. OV, engl. st

When the children were small, their mother says, she was distraught. Now she’s mostly angry. The crying, the lack of sleep and her dismay at her own aggression – sometimes it’s all too much. When this happens, she bites a Tupperware lid or smashes the plastic bath tub. An animated report with photos and drawings on the daily routines and feelings that have long been taboo.

Director Catarina Diehl

Screenplay Catarina Diehl

Producer Tommi Seitajoki

Cast Daniela Fogelholm (Mutter), Ada Seitajoki (Tochter), Oskar Seitajoki (Sohn)

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