
HjertelandetHerzensland - Eine etwas andere Liebesgeschichte / Heartbound - A Different Kind of Love Story

Competition Documentaries, Denmark / The Netherlands / Sweden 2018, 90 Min., dan., thai OV, engl. st

"Twenty-five years ago, Sommai, a sex worker from Pattaya, followed a tourist she met, Niels, back to his homeland in Denmark’s Thy district. At this point, more than 900 Thai women live in the sparsely-populated region on the Jutland coast. Sommai had a hand in bringing many of them to the country to marry Danish men. Shot over a period of ten years, “Heartbound” takes a close look at her matchmaking attempts, and at the life of four of the couples. One of those is Sommai’s niece Kae, who had difficulty at first warming up not only to her new, harsh home, but also to her new, ungainly husband. In the end, she adapted; she brought her son over from Thailand and appears to have a happy family. This impressive film gives us a rare look at a specific sub-culture, and provides a sense of the consequences of the decision facing many young women in Thailand."

Director Janus Metz, Sine Plambech

Screenplay Janus Metz

Producer Lise Lense-Møller

Cast Sommai Molbæk, Niels Jørgen Molbæk, Jarinya Andersen, Kjeld B. Andersen, Saowalak Nielsen, John Nielsen, Frank Andersen, Prasoet Navoram

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