Minnet av Ingmar Bergman

Minnet av Ingmar BergmanErinnerung an Ingmar Bergman / The Memory of Ingmar Bergman

Specials, Finland 2018, 57 Min., sw. OV, engl. st

"“Without Bergman, I would have become a different person”, says Jörn Donner, the Finnish-Swedish documentary filmmaker and producer, who was a close friend of the legendary director, “you could even say that without Bergman, the film world would be completely different”. So for the 100-year anniversary of Bergmann’s birth, Donner has wrapped up a very special cinematic gift. “The Memory of Ingmar Bergman” combines never-before-seen interviews with Bergman and archive footage, with very personal memories of the Swedish maestro. Donner sought out locations in modern-day Sweden that he and Bergman had been to together. And there, he simply looked straight into the camera and openly and honestly related his impressions of the Ingmar Bergman he knew. The resulting film is a touchingly honest, unusual look at the celebrated wunderkind of Swedish cinema."

Director Jörn Donner

Producer Jörn Donner, Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff

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