Yes No Maybe

Yes No MaybeYes No Maybe E1-8

Series, Denmark 2016, 8 x 12 Min., dan., engl. OV, engl. st

Mads’ girlfriend has had enough. She leaves him and takes his self-confidence along with her. Mads becomes depressed and pathetic. One day, a friend installs a dating app on his mobile phone and Mads hopes for a turnaround. “New women, new happiness” he says to himself and swipes his way from one date to the next. Despite his insecurities and an occasional setback in the bedroom, his life picks up steam again. An online date is just the thing when he needs a quick fix of self-confidence. But as luck would have it, the dates also have expectations of Mads. The meet-ups of his and hers provide for zany and offbeat situations when their dreams end up only half fulfilled and the almost tangible love slips out of reach.

Series Creator Mads Rosenkrantz Grage

Director Mads Rosenkrantz Grage

Screenplay Mads Rosenkrantz Grage, Lars Detlefsen

Producer Claudia Saginario, Stinna Lassen

Cast Youssef Wayne Hvidtfeldt (Mads), Karoline Brygmann (Louise), Adam Ild Rohweder (Julius)

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