Das deutsche Kind

Das deutsche KindThe German Child

Filmforum, Germany 2017, 89 Min., barierrefreie germ. Filmfassung

Budding imam Cem Balta lives in Hanover with his wife Sehra and their daughter Hanna. The Baltas grew up in Germany, follow a modern interpretation of Islam, and feel fully integrated. Then comes the sudden death of Sehra’s best friend Natalie, and the Balta family is tasked with taking on the guardianship of Natalie’s six-year-old daughter Pia. While Sehra wants to make sure she fulfils the last wishes of her friend, Pia’s grandparents see things differently. They start legal proceedings to petition for custody of Pia. At the same time, the Baltas are confronted with prejudice on all sides. Everywhere they turn, from office to school, their decision to raise a German child provokes controversy. Even at the mosque, the issue of the future imam taking Pia into his family is contentious.

Director Umut Dag

Screenplay Paul Salisbury

Producer Ulrich Stiehm, Miriam Klein

Cast Murathan Muslu (Cem Balta), Neshe Demir (Sehra Balta), Katrin Sass (Christine Unger), Malina Harbort (Pia Unger), Su Moosbauer (Hanna Balta), Petra Schmidt-Schaller (Natalie Unger), Lutz Blochberger (Theo Unger)

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