NACHTBUS MIT TONSPUR - Eine Reise durch eine filmische KlanglandschaftNACHTBUS MIT TONSPUR - A journey through a cinematic soundscape

Events, Germany

”Nachtbus mit Tonspur” is an audio-visual bustrip mixed with a composed soundtrack of everyday life. You are seated on a bus and driven through the city wearing headphones. On a part of the journey you will be blindfolded in order to kickstart your imagination. The soundtrack is a composition of sounds and noises from our everyday life mixed with music, story telling and conversations. On other parts of journey the blindfold is off. This allows the passenger to mix the visual impression of the trip with the soundtrack. You will watch your own film through your imagination, creativity and memories.
Turn off your mobile. Tune down everyday life.

With the kind support of Danish Film & Media Composers, DFMC and DJBFA / Danish Association of Composers and Songwriters, Signe Malene Berg and The Nightchurch in The Church of Our Lady in Copenhagen, Anne Lind Neider (translation), Theater Lübeck


No screenings are available for this film.