From Us to Me

From Us to MeVom Wir zum Ich

Filmforum, Great Britain / Germany 2016, 87 Min., germ., engl. OV, germ. st

In October 1987, the documentary film collective Amber Films from Newcastle became the first British film crew ever allowed to shoot in East Germany. They filmed the workers of the state-owned fishing concern in Warnemünde and a brigade of crane operators at the state Warnow dockyards. Just two years later, East Germany was history, including most of the jobs it once provided. Twenty-five years later, in 2014, the filmmakers returned to an utterly different Rostock. They visited the people they had filmed in 1987. Together, documentarians and subjects look at excerpts from the earlier film, and talk about the enormous changes the men and women experienced, how they dealt with them, and how they feel today. This special film presentation from our neighbouring German state is mounted in cooperation with the non-profit organisation Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Film e.V.

Director Ellin Hare, Peter Roberts, Richard Grassick, Beatrix Wupperman

Cast Britta Klitzerow-Klakow, Sylvia Putzki, Karl-Heinz und Erna Ruschau, Dorothea Hiller, Magdalena und Gerhard Junge, Silke Nohr, Simone und Ralf Pawlitz, Cornelia Ulbricht, Lothar Eschke



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