Fra hver sin verden

Fra hver sin verdenAus fremden Welten / From Different Worlds

Retrospective, Norway 2005, 58 Min., norweg., engl. OV, engl. st

While on holiday in Kenya, Melissa from Kristiansand meets Massai warrior Augustin on a Mombasa beach. It’s love at first sight. Back in Norway, Melissa faces the decision of whether to forget Augustin and get on with her life, or follow her heart back to Kenya to live with him in a mud hut. Melissa chooses the latter and her life changes completely. Augustin’s family are hunters and farmers. The village where they live has neither electricity nor running water. The contrast with the life she grew up with in Kristiansand could not be any more stark. But years later, she and Augustin are still together, and have even become parents. This film, which won best documentary in Grimstad in 2005, is a portrait of a love that overcomes all cultural differences.

Director Christine Tobiesen, Susann Østigaard

Screenplay Christine Tobiesen

Cast Melissa Lesamana, Augustin Lesamana

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