
LähettiläätBotschafter / Ambassadors

Retrospective, Finland 2003, 57 Min., finn. OV, engl. st

Jouko Aaltonen has shot ethnographic films in many parts of the world – Africa, Siberia and the Russian Republic of Tuva. In “Ambassadors” he trained his camera on a particularly highly evolved kind of nomad – diplomats, a “tribe” with its own codes of behaviour, special rituals and a language all its own. The film centres on the Finnish ambassador in New Delhi, Glen Lindholm, and his wife Tuovi and youngest daughter Annette. Events that is nothing more than a news item to other people – conflict between India and Pakistan, say – directly affects their family life. Far removed from glittering diplomatic receptions, we see a world full of hard work and difficult decisions. As members of the international expat community, the Lindholms must also be careful that every public move they make is deliberate and coordinated.

Director Jouko Aaltonen

Screenplay Jouko Aaltonen

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