Hyvästi Afrikka

Hyvästi AfrikkaAbschied von Afrika / Leaving Africa

Retrospective, Finland 2015, 58 Min., engl., finn. OV, engl. st

Doctor Riitta Kujala has been living in Uganda for more than 25 years. Her work in Kampala involves sex education and family planning. She is also an activist for sexual equality, a self-appointed equality commissioner. “Uganda is full of challenges”, says Riitta, “sometimes too full”. She works closely with Kata Othieno, a teacher and the divorced mother of nine children. The two make a good team. Riitta will soon retire, meaning she must return to Finland. But that’s not the only thing that’s worrying her. Resentful local politicians claim that she and Kata are a lesbian couple and advocating for homosexuality in their classes. Riitta’s life’s work is at stake. “Leaving Africa” is a film about cultural differences and how to productively overcome them; a film full of human warmth and subtle humour.

Director Iiris Härmä

Screenplay Iiris Härmä

Cast Riitta Kujula, Kata Othieno


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