Die weiße Wüste

Die weiße WüsteThe White Desert

Retrospective, Germany 1922, 100 Min., silent, germ. it

Friends Sigurd and Björn are kidnapped and carried off to the sealing boat “Senta”. On board, they meet the maiden Karin, who has been defiled by ship-owner Iwan. Against their will, the three are taken off to the Arctic seas; they have no idea that a saboteur is planning to sink the ship for insurance purposes. When a mutiny breaks out and the “Senta” hits an iceberg, it’s a perfect storm of mishaps. Summoning all their courage, Sigurd, Björn and Karin undertake the arduous journey home through the icy Arctic winter. “With the help of Hagenbeck’s zoo (seals, polar bears, Arctic foxes, reindeer etc.), the depiction of that world is as realistic as it is enthralling”, wrote critic Fritz Olimsky in 1922, “It makes this film a sight worth seeing”. The screening of this colourised version, restored by the Munich Film Museum, will be accompanied by live music by Goran Lazarevic (accordion) and Krischa Weber (cello, musical saw).

Director Ernst Wendt

Screenplay Dr. F. Einar Stier, Ernst Wendt

Cast Carl de Vogt (Sigurd), Eduard von Winterstein (Iwan), Nora Swinburne alias Dita Urian-Borrissowa (Karin), Dorinea Shirley (Liv), Fritz Orwa (Björn)

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