Gilberts grusomme hevn

Gilberts grusomme hevnGilberts grausame Rache / Gilbert's Grim Revenge

Children´s and Youth Films, Norway / Sweden 2016, 85 Min., German commentary, 10 years and older

Gilbert is eleven and, like all great heroes, he’s got an Achilles heel. He is massively allergic to eggs. One mistaken bite of the wrong cake and his throat emits a beam that can blow up any birthday party. No wonder nobody invites him to any anymore. When Gilbert and his parents move, he hopes for a new start. But just before Christmas, his mom and dad take a business trip to Spain, and the only one who can look after Gilbert is his aunt. Not only does the older singleton suffer from formidable flatulence, she also turns out to be extremely possessive. She’s certainly not having any of Gilbert’s interest in the neighbour girl. Then Gilbert finds an egg on the floor. It’s a declaration of war. But to win the fight against his nasty aunt, he’ll have to use his imagination.

Director Hanne Larsen

Screenplay Kathrine Valen Zeiner, Hanne Larsen

Cast Simon Hobbel Rosendahl (Gilbert), Gisken Armand (Tante Doris), Hanna Dybvand (Line), Frida Hallgren (Mutter), Egil Hegerberg (Vater), Sindre-Benedict Hendrichs (Lines Vater), Max Julian Kleven (Kasper), Hans Kristian Riise (Lars)


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