
FrysningerKalte Schauer / Cold Shivers

Children´s and Youth Films, Norway 2016, 19 Min., norweg. OV, engl. st, 14 years and older

Kristoffer brings a girl home for the first time. His mother disturbs them and invites Kristoffer’s girlfriend to dinner. At the dinner table, underlying tensions emerge. The atmosphere is charged, the mother unmistakably jealous. After the girlfriend is brought home, the truth comes to light. Portrait of an unhealthy mother-son relationship.

Director Marius Myrmel

Screenplay Marius Myrmel

Cast Victor Johansen (Kristoffer), Trude-Sofie Olavsrud Anthonsen (Helene), Tiril-Marie Hilleren Olsen (Stine)


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