Es Esmu Seit

Es Esmu SeitIch bin hier / Mellow Mud

Children´s and Youth Films, Latvia 2016, 105 Min., latv. OV, engl. st, 14 years and older

It would have to be grandma. After the death of their father, 17-year-old Raya and her younger brother Rodis have to live with their grandmother. The cantankerous old lady sells off the family apple farm to pay off family debts. Raya is enraged; she cuts school and doesn’t do any homework. Then one night, she comes home late and finds her grandmother dead on the floor. To avoid ending up in a juvenile home, Raya and Rodis secretly bury the body. From then on, they must make it on their own. They find themselves increasingly short of money and food, and Raya has to take responsibility for her brother. She comes up with a plan – she decides to find their mother, who emigrated to England, and bring her back home. In carefully constructed set-ups and with sparse dialogue, the film explores the challenge of becoming an adult under tough circumstances.

Director Renars Vimba

Screenplay Renars Vimba

Cast Elina Vaska (Raja), Andzejs Lilientals (Rodis), Edgars Samitis (Oskars)


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