Polaris - Le sous-marin spatial et le mystère de la nuit polaire

Polaris - Le sous-marin spatial et le mystère de la nuit polairePOLARIS - Das Weltraum U-Boot und das Geheimnis der Polarnacht 360° / POLARIS - The space submarine and the mystery of the polar light

Children´s and Youth Films, France 2015, 29 Min., germ. OV, 0 years and older

James, a traveling penguin from the South Pole, and Vladimir, a funny polar bear from the North Pole, meet on the Arctic pack ice and become friends. They wonder why the nights last so long where they live. In order to solve the mystery of the polar nights, they build first an observatory and then a space ship, which they use to travel around the Earth to Mars and Saturn.

Director Eric Frappa

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