The Swedish Theory of Love

The Swedish Theory of Love

Competition Documentaries, Sweden / Norway / Denmark 2015, 76 Min., swed. OV, engl. st

Who doesn’t dream of independence and individual freedom? In the 1970s, Sweden turned those goals into law. The welfare system was overhauled to provide support for every Swede, so that he or she would no longer be dependent on another family member. Forty years later, director Erik Gandini takes us on a tour of an individualised country. Almost half of all Swedes today live alone, more than anywhere else in the world. It’s not uncommon at all for women to have children without a partner. But loneliness has also increased, especially among the elderly. One in four people dies alone and unnoticed. So the question is whether the welfare society is a trap. Have we forgotten how to create the commonality with other people that so enriches us? This film is full of striking protagonists and asks the question of whether our modern values are not leading us down the wrong path.

Director Eric Gandini

Screenplay Erik Gandini


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