Keep Frozen

Keep Frozen

Competition Documentaries, Iceland 2016, 68 Min., iceland., polish OV, engl. st

Working the docks in Reykjavik is a job for real men. In 16-hour shifts, the crews unload the deep-frozen catch from the enormous deep-water trawlers. They labour in the belly of the ship, at -30 degrees, manhandling the 25-kilo cartons around so the crane can haul them up. The steel behemoths can hold up to 20,000 crates each. Gu nadóttir employs deliberate camerawork to observe the men at work, making it look at times like a choreographed dance. We see the comradery wrapped up in the men’s rough banter. Teamwork is everything; a mistake could cost thousands of euros – or a leg or a life. The men talk about their work, their daydreams and the changes they see around them. It’s a thoughtful portrait of an occupation marked by intense manual labour, on which the high-tech fishing industry is still dependent.

Director Hulda Rós Gudnadóttir

Screenplay Hulda Rós Gudnadóttir, Helga Rakel Rafnsdóttir, Hinrik Thór Svavarsson


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