De standhaftige

De standhaftigeDie Standhaften / Walk With Me

Competition Narrative Films, Denmark / Sweden 2016, 105 Min., dan. OV, engl. st

Thomas is stationed in Helmand Province in Afghanistan; his unit is fighting the Taliban under terrible conditions. When Thomas steps on a landmine, both his legs must be amputated in an emergency operation. While undergoing rehabilitation in Denmark, Thomas focuses all his energy on getting back to the fighting as soon as possible. At the hospital, he meets Sofie, who is there looking after her critically ill aunt. The ambitious ballerina refuses to be deterred by the brittle manner of the soldier, whose damage extends beyond just his body. She offers to do a training programme with him and the two soon discover that they have feelings for each other. The film was inspired by a real project, in which the dancers of the Royal Danish Ballet use Pilates to help soldiers wounded in Afghanistan recover both mobility and independence.

Director Lisa Ohlin

Screenplay Karina Dam

Cast Mikkel Boe Følsgaard (Thomas), Cecilie Lassen (Sofie), Karen-Lise Mynster (Ruth), Morten Holst (Jimmy), Silja Eriksen Jensen (Nina)


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