Christina Wasa – Die wilde Königin

Christina Wasa – Die wilde KöniginChristina Wasa – The Wild Queen

Filmforum, Germany 2015, 90 Min., germ. OV

Christina became the queen of Sweden while still a child. Under the regency of the imperial chancellor, she was brought up much like a man. Yet Christina grew up to be a wild and capricious woman. Against the will of her guardians, she developed her own policies and ended the Thirty Years’ War for Sweden. She was celebrated as a princess of peace and the plan was for her to marry her cousin Karl Gustav and bear heirs to carry on the Vasa dynasty. But Christina had no desire to be subordinate to a man. She abdicated the throne, left behind all her duties, converted to Roman Catholicism and moved to Rome, where the “traitor” hosted rounds of glittering parties. Pope Alexander VII appointed his secretary to be Christina’s minder. It was the beginning of a complicated and dramatic love story.

Director Wilfried Hauke

Screenplay Wilfried Hauke

Cast Saga Gärde (Königin Christina), Björn Andersson (Axel Oxenstierna), Otto Hargne Kin (Magnus de la Gardie), Emma Mehonic (Ebba Sparre)

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