Idas dagbok

Idas dagbokIdas Tagebuch / Ida's Diary

Competition Documentaries, Norway 2014, 63 Min., norweg. OV, engl. st

“Hi, my name is Ida. I am 24 years old. I have been told I am different. I have emotionally unstable personality disorder. I either love you or hate you. I hope you feel the same. Actually, I hope you aren’t like me.” That is the way we are introduced to Ida’s video diary, which she filmed over a period of eight years. She documents life with borderline personality disorder. Some days she is full of joy and ready to embrace the whole world; other days she is crippled with anxiety and delusions. She displays the scars on her body from self harming, her journey through therapy sessions and life in a psychiatric ward. But we also see happy birthday celebrations, excursions amid Norway’s beautiful landscapes and an undiminished will to live in this candid, courageous and inspiring film.

Director August B. Hanssen

Screenplay August B. Hanssen



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