Matka Minuksi

Matka MinuksiIch werden / Becoming Me

Competition Documentaries, Finland 2014, 75 Min., finn. OV, engl. st, Festival-FSK 0

“Thanks to my blog, I don’t feel as alone anymore”, says Laura. She is a complicated young woman, unstable and obsessed with eating only completely natural and ethically correct food. Laura puts all her fears and doubts in the open on her blog and actively seeks comments. By contrast, Elli’s lifestyle blog is all about the beautiful, happy side of the 23-year-old author. Online, she’s got it all under control, but in the real world, she has difficulty meeting people. Juulia has already given up her blog, because it almost killed her. She wrote about her anorexia and received validation for her eating disorder from others. All three speak openly about how they struggle with themselves. And it seems to have become clear to all of them that a blog that enables unquestioned contact to like-minded people and admirers is not a solution to their problems.

Director Mina Laamo

Screenplay Mina Laamo



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