
SophelikopternDer Müllhubschrauber / The Garbage Helicopter

Competition Narrative Films, Sweden 2015, 100 Min., romani, swed. OV, engl. st

In the still of the deep night, only the garbage helicopter buzzes slowly from gate to gate, piloted by an anarchist poet from the future, serving a life sentence of collecting the slops of our imagination. That surreal image invented by the Swedish poet Gunnar Ekelöf opens a film about a no less idiosyncratic journey. An elderly Roma woman yearns for her wall clock, which has been in the repair shop for a year. So she calls her granddaughter to pick it up and bring it. Shortly thereafter, a Saab takes to the road, carrying the clock, three people – including one obsessed with crossword puzzles, a giant roll of bubble wrap and a device for detecting speed traps. The film’s unmoving, black-and-white cinematography captures moments in an almost never-ending trip that takes the audience into the bizarre centre of Swedish society and, along the way, subtly exposes a few things about the way it deals with minorities.

Director Jonas Selberg Augustsén

Screenplay Jonas Selberg Augustsén

Cast Christopher Burjanski (Baki), Daniel Szoppe (Saska), Jessica Szoppe (Enesa), Singoalla Millon (Sirpa)


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