Das verschwundene mThe Missing M

Filmforum, Germany 2014, 75 Min.

Lukas Hemleb is now a much sought after international opera and theatre director, but he left home at 14 to make his way alone in the world. While visiting his favourite sister Maria in London, he discovered street theatre and a spark flared. He had figured out his destiny – theatre. He started by working as an assistant director to Peter Stein and Luc Bondy. In the course of an extraordinary career, he dropped the second “m” from his name and also lost the close bond to his sister. Many years later, Maria filmed her brother during rehearsals in various locales, including Moscow and Taipei, where he delved deep into the local language and culture in order to be able to communicate directly with the actors. Yet he remained reserved with Maria and only gradually opened up to memories. With the help of old photos and home movies, Maria succeeds in recovering what once bound the two so closely together.

Director Maria Hemmleb

Screenplay Maria Hemmleb

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