
KirsitubakasKirschtabak / Cherry Tobacco

Children´s and Youth Films, Estonia 2014, 93 Min., 14 years and older

Laura is 17, an age when everything gets on her nerves. She is annoyed by her mother’s obtrusive questions, the boys’ childish antics, and the feeling that the summer has been wasted with nothing to show for it. More out of ennui than anything else, she agrees to her friend Merit’s suggestion that they go on a hiking trip through a peat bog of all places. Joosep, the group’s guide, who is old enough to be Laura’s father, has a beard, a pipe and a rustic devil-may-care attitude. Eventually, his refreshingly distinctive demeanour starts to arouse Laura’s interest. And with that, events are set in motion. Andres and Katrin Maimik’s portrayal of a girl’s first love is distinguished by its simple but intense production values and profound attention to detail.

Director Andres Maimik, Katrin Maimik

Screenplay Andres Maimik, Katrin Maimik

Cast Maris Nõlvak (Laura), Gert Raudsep (Joosep), Getter Mersemaa (Merit), Anne Reemann (Lauras Mutter), Aap Salumets (Egert)


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