Den Store Prøve

Den Store PrøveHarte Probe / The Contest

Children´s and Youth Films, Denmark 2014, 42 Min., 12 years and older

Emma’s father is an alcoholic. Word slowly gets around and her father is soon banned from driving the car pool. At home, on the other hand, it’s a taboo subject. If Emma tries to talk about it, her father becomes belligerent and her mother’s strategy is appeasement. It is not until Uncle Karl gets involved that things change. The film is part of a campaign by the Danish child protection association called “tell it like it is”, which is working to combat the taboos attached to family problems.

Director Lars K. Mikkelsen

Screenplay Rune Lünell, Lars K. Mikkelsen

Cast Petra Scott Nielsen (Emma), Henning Valin Jakobsen (Martin)

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