

Filmforum, Germany 2013, 117 Min.

Hamburg in the early 60s: Gisela Werner is a wallflower, works in a wallpaper factory and is unmarried at the age of 30. Then her friend Uwe introduces her to Hermann, the charmer. She soon discovers that Hermann and Uwe rob banks. At first she merely helps them with their raids, but soon she becomes the driving force. Gisela abandons her old life and becomes the “Banklady”: elegantly styled with a wig and sunglasses, she repeatedly appears at bank counters, demanding money - politely, but at gun-point. The newspapers turn her into a sex symbol, and the entire nation wonders who this woman might be. Although the investigators Fischer and Kaminski are close on her tracks, Gisela risks more and more for a wild life, freedom and her love for Hermann.

Director Christian Alvart

Screenplay Christoph Silber, Kai Hafemeister

Cast Nadeshda Brennicke (Gisela Werler), Charly Hübner (Hermann Wittorff), Andreas Schmidt (Uwe), Ken Duken (Fischer), Heinz Hoenig (Kaminski)


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