Filmforum, Germany 2013, 104 Min.

Patrick's world collapses when he finds his dead mother. His massive quiff and his leather jacket give him the appearance of a wild man, but he is reduced to a snivelling wreck in the face of his mother's dead body dangling from the ceiling. He gets his act together after many tears and many cigarettes, starts his American car and together with his friend Elmer he drives to meet his supposed “maker”. Reimund, a successful, educated boarding school director, is taken by complete surprise when he encounters a grown-up son standing in front of his suburban villa's iron gate. In effect as a special surprise just as he is celebrating his 60. birthday with his wife Judith and teenage daughter Romy.

Director Sven Halfar

Screenplay Sven Halfar

Cast Tilman Strauß (Patrick), Thomas Schendel (Reimund Borz), Niklas Kohrt (Elmer), Judith Rosmaier (Judith), Suzanne von Borsody (Birgit)



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