There Will Be Some Who Will Not Fear Even That Void

There Will Be Some Who Will Not Fear Even That VoidEs wird sich jemand finden, der selbst diese Leere nicht fürchtet

Retrospective, Great Britain / Norway 2012, 53 Min.

Taking a windjammer to Spitzbergen, with almost two dozen painters, photographers, sound artists and performance artists on board, who transform fantastic scenery and found objects into “Land Art” as they make onshore excursions. Director Saeed Taji Farouky: “While the footage I shot is real, the plot - inspired by the other-worldliness of the location and recent events in my own life - is fictional. I imagine the artists as a team of specialists sent on a mission in the future to rebuild the Arctic environment after it has been almost completely destroyed by global warming. With no master plan, maps or blueprints, each artist recreates the Arctic of his or her own (flawed) memories, fears and desires” - with "adventurous” visual effects.

Director Saeed Taji Farouky

Screenplay Saeed Taji Farouky, Marie-Therese Garvey, Gareth Keogh



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