Mythos Amundsen – Verschollen in der ArktisRoald Amundsen – Lost in the Arctic

Retrospective, Germany / Norway 2010, 45 Min.

Roald Amundsen was the first person to cross the Northwest Passage, he won the race to the South Pole, and he flew over the North Pole in an airship, accompanied by Umberto Nobile. They later fought bitterly over whom the fame for this spectacular flight was due. But when the Italian failed to return from another Arctic expedition in 1928, Amundsen quickly organized a rescue mission. Starting from Spitsbergen in a “Latham” seaplane, the 55-year-old was never to return. Nobile was saved shortly after, but Amundsen has been missing ever since. Five years later, a fishing boat salvaged parts of the “Latham”. Director Rudolph Herzog has two high-tech ships from the Norwegian marine at his disposal to help find out why Roald Amundsen's last journey ended so tragically.

Director Rudolph Herzog

Screenplay Rudolph Herzog

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