Mammu, es tevi milu!

Mammu, es tevi milu!Mutter, ich hab dich lieb / Mother, I Love You

Children´s and Youth Films, Latvia / Lithuania 2013, 83 Min., 10 years and older

Raimonds plays saxophone in the school orchestra. One day he is reprimanded for bad behaviour, which he knowingly keeps from his single mother, a doctor in an obstetric clinic. However, this concealment has severe consequences for Raimonds, who now gets into one mess after another - until he loses his saxophone immediately before his great orchestra performance and his mother must even accompany him to the police station when he is charged with thievery. Cat almost entirely with amateur actors and focalized almost exlusively through Raimonds' point of view, the film comprehensibly accounts the despair and tormented conscience of a child “secret carrier” who is only begrudgingly prepared to reveal the truth. Just like his stressed mother, incidentally, who similarly keeps a secret from her son...

Director Janis Nords

Screenplay Janis Nords

Cast Kristofers Konovalovs (Raimonds), Vita Varpina (Mutter), Matiss Livcans (Peter), Indra Brike (Peters Mutter)


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