Falskur fugl

Falskur fuglFerox

Children´s and Youth Films, Iceland 2013, 79 Min., 16 years and older

Despite therapy and antidepressants, Arnaldur is having trouble coping with his brother's suicide. When the 16-year-old finds evidence that Gulli was abused by his teacher prior to his death, he beats the teacher until he requires hospitalization. But because the teacher remains unprosecuted, the teenager and a friend forge a murderous plan for revenge, with fatal consequences for everyone involved. In his impressive debut, director Thór Ómar Jónsson draws up a disturbing personality profile of a disturbed teenager. This financially independent “indie” productionoperates with sparse, but effective drastic images and can be interpreted as a portrait of an Icelandic youth that feels abandoned by its parents.

Director Thór Ómar Jónsson

Screenplay Jón Atli Jónasson

Cast Styr Júlíusson (Arnaldur), Daví Gu brandsson (sein Vater), Hilmir Snær Gu nason (Trinker), Kristján Haf órsson (Höddi), Damon Younger (Maggas Vater)


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