Pedeja templa hronikas

Pedeja templa hronikasDie Chronik des letzten Tempels / Chronicles of the Last Temple

Competition Documentaries, Latvia 2012, 58 Min.

It took twenty years from the initial designs to the final completion. This documentary film accompanies the slow architectural process with poetical, uncommented images. Director Davis Simanis chooses three perspectives as he registers the various reactions to the ultimate completion of the most expensive public building in Latvia's history: that of the New York-based architect Gunnar Birkerts, for whom the construction simultaneously signifies a return to his homeland following a post-war exile; that of a crane operator, a single mother who is left unemployed in Riga as the construction comes to its close; that of furious, protesting Riga citizens, for whom the architecturally ambitious new building is an aesthetic or political anathema.

Director Davis Simanis

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