,,Hrafnhildur“ heimildarmynd um kynlei réttinguEin Mann wie sie / A Boy Like Her – A Personal Story About an Unavoidable Journey

Competition Documentaries, Iceland 2012, 61 Min.

Hrafnhildur is an attractive blonde. When she meets an old girlfriend in café, the surprise could hardly be bigger. Thet friend used to be in love with Hrafnhildur - except Hrafnhildur was still a man at the time. She has no trouble with prejudices, as her mother and her family have accepted her as she is. Her hormone therapy has the desired effects, and the last remnants of facial hair can be treated. Now she faces the last step: a surgical sex change, to be performed by a Swedish doctor. Hrafnhildur patiently answers all the questions that her girlfriends ask her: Will she be able to have an orgasm? Does she love men or women? But when the state no longer finances such operations, Hrafnhildur sees all her hopes destroyed.

Director Ragnhildur Steinunn Jónsdóttir

Screenplay Ragnhildur Steinunn Jónsdóttir


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