Finsk blod, Svenskt hjärta / Ingen riktig Finne

Finsk blod, Svenskt hjärta / Ingen riktig FinneFinnisches Blut, Schwedisches Herz / Finnish Blood, Swedish Heart

Competition Documentaries, Finland / Sweden 2012, 90 Min.

“Finnish Rock” was the long-standing hallmark of guitarist Kai Latvalehto. But he does not actually consider himself 100 percent Finnish. Kai spent his childhood in Sweden, where his father worked as a “guest worker”. The car journey which the two of them now take to Gothenburg is no nostalgic tour through family history - it also unveils many details of the social situation of the Finnish minority in Sweden. Regularly interrupted by live song-recordings that lament the fate of immigrants, this highly emotional road movie explores the chasm between the two groups of citizens. The disclosure of family secrets simultaneously leads to a rapprochement between father and son, whom the road trip allows to voice their personal conflicts for the first time.

Director Mika Ronkainen

Screenplay Mika Ronkainen

Cast Kai Latvalehto, Tauno Latvalehto, Oiva Latvalehto Musiker: Anna Järvinen, Darya Pakarinen, Love Antell, Markus Fagervall, Mirella Hautala, Månskensorkestern, Hannu Kiviaho, Harri Mänty, Jukka Takalo



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