Complaints ChoirBeschwerdechor

Competition Documentaries, Denmark / Finland / USA 2013, 56 Min.

They sing in order to complain. The Finnish-German artist couple Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Koctha-Kalleinen organize “complaints choirs” all over the world, including this year's Film Days - see page XXX. Citizens can vent their frustrations as they sing - directed by the Kalleinens, they define their partly private, partly political issues, articulate their demands and rehearse the resulting choral works. The film shows projects in Chicago, where rehearsals take place in the the Museum of Contemporary Art, and in Singapore, where they rehearse in the parliamentary building. But here foreign participants must expect state sanctions as the project touches on political boundaries. Tellervo and Oliver Kalleinen have initiated complaints choirs in more than 20 countries. Never before has it been as complicated as here.

Director Ada Bligaard Søby


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