Hross í oss

Hross í ossVon Pferden und Menschen / Of Horses and Men

Competition Narrative Films, Ireland / Germany 2013, 85 Min.

Kolbeinn loves Solveig and Solveig loves Kolbeinn. But Kolbeinn is also in love with the mare Grána. When Solveig's stallion Brúnn appears on the scene as an exceedingly virile rival, this love story is doomed to take a bitter end ... Rural Icelandic dramas are interconnected in five episodes that centre on Iceland horses. These prove to be seaworthy, Arctic life savers. Their free spirit and robust temperament have largely defined the pace of this homage: from a light trot to a distinctive tölt to energetic gallopping, these filmic miniatures are firmly controlled by the director in a depiction of the successful coexistence of man and horse. Director Benedikt Erlingsson: “It is a film about the horse in the man and the man in the horse.”

Director Benedikt Erlingsson

Screenplay Benedikt Erlingsson

Cast Ingvar E. Sigur sson, Charlotte Bøving, Steinn Ármann Magnússon



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