
BetoniyöNacht in Beton / Concrete Night

Competition Narrative Films, Finland / Sweden / Denmark 2013, 96 Min.

The 14-year-old Simo lives in a run-down high-rise block of flats near Helsinki with his older brother Ilkka and a mother who is unable to cope. The next day Ilka will start a jail sentence. Until then he must look after Simo and take the boy with him on his last tour through the quarter. Throughout a long, hot summer day, and a marginally cooler night, Simo witnesses a number of rude encounters - also between the sexes. And he is exposed to his brother's macho talk. When a neighbour apporaches, all of Simo's emotional insecurity is vented in one senseless act of violence. Pirjo Honkasalo, the “grande dame” of Finnish cinema has created a visually brilliant literary adaptation that bears her unique signature - and the masterful psychograph of a disturbed adolescent.

Director Pirjo Honkasalo

Screenplay Pirjo Honkasalo, Pirkko Saisio

Cast Johannes Brotherus (Simo), Jari Virman (Ilkka), Juhan Ulfsak (Der Mann), Anneli Karppinen (Die Mutter)


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