Heinz Ratz – Der moralische Triathlon

Heinz Ratz – Der moralische TriathlonHeinz Ratz – A Moral Triathlon

Filmforum, Germany 2012, 64 Min.

In 2008 Heinz Ratz from Kiel, poet, singer-songwriter and lead singer of the punk band “Strom und Wasser”, embarks on the first part of his "Moralist Triathlon”. In his struggle against German social indifference, he runs hundreds of kilometres across the federal republic, fraternising with the homeless and publicly denouncing state-generated poverty with his songs in 28 cities. Heinz Ratz knows what he's talking about - he was homeless for a year himself. In 2010 the artist deals with the next topic: the extinction of species. He swims for almost 1,000 kilometres through German rivers to raise attention to the problem. In the last part, the “Tour of 1000 Bridges”, the political activist raises awareness of the fate of countless refugees who are not granted a home here and for whom all bridges to Germany have been closed off. Throughout his nearly 7,500 kilometre long “Moralist Thriathlon”, Heinz Ratz has composed a number of songs that give a summary of his protest.

Director Linn Marx

Screenplay Linn Marx

Cast Heinz Ratz, Carmen Concato, Enno Dugnus, Ingo Hassenstein

Trailer www.startnext.de/ratz-triathlon

catalogue page PDF-Download


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