Hrafnar, sóleyjar og myrra

Hrafnar, sóleyjar og myrraRaben, Butterblumen und Myrrhe / Ravens, Buttercups and Myrrh

Films for young viewers, Iceland 2011, 90 Min., 12 years and older

When Lára's father and younger brother die in an accident, it is without doubt a terrible experience for the girl. But while her mother Hilgun, the town mayor, would most like to erase her memory of the deceased, Láre faces up to her grief. Her desire to find out more about her father brings her to a drama group in an old plane hangar. Lára's father was once part of the group. Now the city council chairwoman wants to have the “shack” torn down. She will stop at nothing to have a health centre erected in its place and even hazards fatalities to achieve her goal. But Lára and the drama group, who allow her to take part in their new “Don Quijote” piece, manage to foil the plan of the crooks that Stefania is cooperating with ... An entertaining children's crime story with all the trimmings that makes excellent use of the histrionic antithesis of reality and appearance.

Director Eyrun Osk Jonsdóttir, Helgi Sverrisson

Screenplay Eyrun Osk Jonsdóttir, Helgi Sverrisson

Cast Anna Kristín Arngrímsdóttir (Didi), Edda Björgvinsdóttir (Steinunn), Pétur Einarsson (Dolli), Victoria Björk Ferrell (Lára), Sigrí ur Björk Baldursdóttir (Stefanía), Ísak Hinriksson (Skúli), Thórhallur Sigur sson (Kiddi)



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