
StrippanDie Stripperin / The Stripper

Competition Documentaries, Sweden 2012, 72 Min.

Calista has always wanted to dance, even when she was really young. Ballet and dance classes and various public performances ensue. Aged 16, she is about to study dancing in New York. But then she becomes pregnant, gets married and has two more children. But never once does she give up her dream. After her divorce, she receives an offer to dance again, at age 24 - this time in a strip joint. She loses the custody of her three children, re-marries and has two more daughters. She is an excellent dancer and enjoys her work in the club. But her new husband is sceptical, and alleges that Calista is giving her customers more than is necessary. She decides to turn her back both on her husband and on her club and to break new ground with her two daughters. A sensitive and gripping portrait of a woman, shot throughout a span of five years.

Director Stefan Berg

Screenplay Stefan Berg

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