

Competition Documentaries, Norway 2011, 69 Min.

The illustrator Terje Brofos, born in 1940, who goes by the pseudonym of Pushwagner, is Norway's most popular artist. His apocalyptic work - including the graphic novel “Soft City”, which he created in the 1970s - depict a dehumanized, standardized world which only radical outsiders can abscond from. Pushwagner has lived his art with every fibre of his body, which his crinkled face and emaciated body give visible evidence of. Homeless and addicted for several years, he was rediscovered in the 1990s, and has since had exhibitions all over the world. This filmic portrait shows a headstrong non-conformist who soon takes command during shooting. Although the film examines Pushwagner's winding paths to fame as well as the spectacular lawsuit in which he filed a suit for the usage rights of his own works in 2009, the film is nevertheless dominated by the immediate presence of Pushwagner, who presents himself as a “polyphrenic” personality.

Director Even Benestad, August B. Hanssen

Screenplay Even Benestad, August B. Hanssen


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