Marie Krøyer

Marie Krøyer

Competition Narrative Films, Denmark / Sweden 2012, 103 Min.

Marie, the beautiful wife of the painter Peder Severin Krøyer, is her husband's favourite model and is herself an aspiring artist, but her husband discourages her and imputes her a lack of talent. P.S. Krøyer, a superstar amongst his Danish contamporaries, gives her an increasingly hard time. His mental health issues and fits of violence make Marie lose faith in their marriage. As the situation gets worse, she and her young daughter seek refuge with a friend. Here she meets the Swedish composer Hugo Alfvén who soon begins to court her. Though she is hesitant at first, they become a couple. When she admits the affair to her husband, he throws her out. But the painter cannot cope without his wife for long, and he arranges for her and her lover to return to Skagen ... The celebrity director Bille Augusthas once more created major emotional cinema with “Marie Krøyer”, shooting in Denmark for the first time in 25 years.

Director Bille August

Screenplay Peter Asmussen

Cast Birgitte Hjort Sørensen (Marie Krøyer), Soren Saetter-Lassen (P.S. Krøyer), Sverrir Gudnason (Hugo Alfvén), Lene Maria Christensen (Anna Norrie)



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