Die RäuberinRough

Filmforum, Germany 2011, 92 Min., English subtitles

Die Räuberin

43-year-old actress Tania Kalsmaier moves to a remote North Frisian village in late autumn to take a time-out. On her very first evening she meets the 15-year-old Thore, who stands out from the other village boys and raises her interest. But the surroundings cause their being soulmates to become a scandal. The boy falls for Tania, who in turn does nothing to stop him. Being with Thore brings an old, restrained trauma back into her consciousness. In the midst of hibernal solitude and the villagers' hostility, Tania attempts to give her life a new direction and free herself from the shadows of the past. She decides to "rob" Thore.

Director Markus Busch

Screenplay Markus Busch

Cast Birge Schade (Tania), Daniel Michel (Thore), Anna Stieblich (Mutter), Kai-Ivo Baulitz (Vater), Burkhard Schmeer (Nachbar), Jens Schäfer (Manfred), Till Huster (Schlosser), Imke Büchel (Verkäuferin), Wiebke Wackermann (Betti), Eric Golub (Paketbote)

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