Algjör Sveppi og dularfulla hótelherbergidSveppi und das geheimnisvolle Hotelzimmer / The Secret Spell

Films for young viewers, Iceland 2010, 81 Min., English subtitles, 6 years and older

Algjör Sveppi og dularfulla hótelherbergid

"The Shining" for kids: The second part of the adventure series features Sveppi and Villi spending their summer holidays in a remote old luxury hotel, whose beastly old proprietor seems even more terrifying than Jack Nicholson in Stanley Kubrick's legendary shocker "The Shining". Even if Sveppi and Villi don't appear to be too bright, they soon realize that a dark family secret is the cause of this estranged personality. Together with their friend Goi they bring light - and chaos - into the sinister, enchanted hotel corridors. As its prequel "The Big Rescue", "The Secret Spell" has been a box office hit. The reasons lie close at hand: Once again all the children's roles are cast with the now familiar adult actors. And this turbulent parody of the "haunted house" genre is the first ever Scandinavian 3D live action film.

Director Bragi Thór Hinriksson

Screenplay Bragi Thór Hinriksson, Sverrir Thór Sverrisson

Cast Sverrir Thór Sverrisson (Sveppi), Vilhelm Anton Jónsson (Villi), Gu jón Daví∂ Karlsson (Gói), Gu∂laug Elísabet Òlafsdóttir (Gulla Grimma), Thröstur Leó Gunnarsson (Jón Gamli), Pétur Jóhann Sigfússon


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