Palos brudefærdPalos Brautfahrt / Palo’s Wedding

Retrospective, Denmark 1934, 80 Min., German commentary

Palos brudefærd

As the two singers Palo and Samo begin to court the beautiful Navarana, her brother demands that the conflict be solved by means of a traditional ritual: a singing contest. In the course of the contest, Samo stabs his superior rival. Healed by a shaman, Palo embarks on a perilous kajak trip to find his lover. This romantic drama is intertwined with scenes of Inuit everday life: seal hunting and fishing, pursuit of a polar bear, drum dancing and singing women, deconstruction of a summer hut and construction of a winter house, wound healing by a shaman. Thanks to its straight ethnographic and cinematographically beautiful images, "Palo's Wedding" is considered one of the highlights of the filmic documentation of Greenland's nature and culture. The film was shot on location, starring lay actors who act out their parent generation's way of living.

Director Friedrich Dalsheim

Screenplay Knud Rasmussen

Cast Laiendarsteller aus dem Distrikt Angmassalik, Ostgrönland

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