Meerkampf. Watt?What an Ocean Struggle

Filmforum, Germany 2009, 87 Min.

Meerkampf. Watt?

They view the mudflats of the North German Elbe estuary as a creative playground: the makers of the "Wattolümpiade", the Wadden Olympiad. In the foreground stand the sensual joy of handling mud, of conducting sports-like contests at low tide and of the wilful world of "wadden psychology". Other important factors for artist and "Wattolümpiade"-initiator Jens Rusch are the fund-raising for cancer information centres, the refusal to give up and a stance in life shaped by high and low tides. The amphibian mudflats and the landscape of dykes provide the setting in which the "Wattleten", the "waddletes", stomp a spectacle into being that seems out of this world but has a serious background.

Director Frank D. Müller

Screenplay Frank D. Müller

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